Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday House raises $1,500 for Clara House

Social Committee chair Matt Sullivan reports that the GRRA's Holiday House on Dec. 10 had approximately 300 attendees who helped us raise $1,500 for Clara House.

That's an all-time high, both for attendence and fund-raising for this worthy cause, so a big thank you to everyone who came out, and also to Gary Jobe and his staff for the use of their beautiful home, FurnitureLand South for the furniture and decorations, Culinary Visions for the fantastic food, and to Linda McKnight and Family Services of the Piedmont for the good work they do.

See photos from the Holiday House at the GRRA Facebook Page.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How the extended Homebuyer Tax Credit works

If you don't know how the new tax credit works, NAR has provided a quick FAQ at their Extended Homebuyer Tax Credit information page:

Who Qualifies for the Extended Credit?

  • First-time home buyers who purchase homes between November 7, 2009 and April 30, 2010.

  • Current home owners purchasing a home between November 7, 2009 and April 30, 2010, who have used the home being sold or vacated as a principal residence for five consecutive years within the last eight.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Roads and Highways Brown Bag

Here are a few notes from Wednesday's Roads and Highways Brown Bag. If you missed it, you can download GDOT's PowerPoint here.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

REALTOR® Partners Program - Summer

June Partner of the Month

Available to NC REALTORS® is a guaranteed-issue limited benefit medical plan called Transchoice®, underwritten by one of the nations leading insurance carriers, Transamerica Life Insurance Company and Central Insurance Advisors, LLC. Transchoice®, helps pay basic medical expenses related to hospitalization, surgery, physician office visits, prescription drugs, accidents, x-rays, lab tests and much more.  Guaranteed issue means everyone is accepted for this plan, without any preexisting or age restrictions.  The benefits are paid directly to you to help cover those out-of-pocket costs, or they may be assigned to your physician or hospital. Three plans will be available to pick and choose the best benefits for you and your family at very affordable rates.  For a detailed outline of the plan please call Central Insurance Advisors, LLC toll free at 1-877-925-1840 or visit


Link to all our REALTOR® Partner Discounts


Register for 2009 Convention

The 2009 NC Association of REALTORS® Convention & Expo will be held Sept. 27-29 in beautiful Savannah, GA. This is your chance to make new contacts and cultivate old ones. When you attend Convention, you will share ideas and interact with a 1,000 of the most successful REALTORS® in our great state who are dedicated to the business, just like you.  The NCAR Convention & Expo is one of the best and most cost-efficient educational and networking tools available to members. Sign up today at:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

RPAC Auction Sneak Peek!

Ready for the RPAC Auction next Tuesday?

So far we've assembled a great slate of items -- hit the jump for a sneak peak at a few of this year's offerings, and be sure to come out Tuesday, June 2 at 11:30 p.m. and place your bids!

Here's a little taste of what's in store for you:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Microsoft Outlook for REALTORS -- RESCHEDULED

We had to cancel our Microsoft Outlook for REALTORS Coffee Talk back in April, which was disappointing since interest was quite high.

Good news: We've rescheduled it as a Brown Bag Lunch on June 10 at 11:30 a.m. We'll also host an e-Pro workshop that morning, which is a great companion piece to the Outlook seminar, though obviously it's not required that you take one to participate in the other.

Randall Fullerton will be teaching the sessions, both of which are free -- call us for more details at 336-854-5868!

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Holding the Deal Together"

A few facts and pointers gleaned from Thursday's "Holding the Deal Together" panel here at the GRRA:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jordan Lake Rules Update

From our friends at TREBIC:

Please take just a minute to email the members of House Judiciary Committee 1 to urge them to pass HB 239.  Then share this with your colleagues and ask them to do the same.  You can cut and paste this group of addresses:

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In addition, you can call Reps. John Blust (919-733-5781) and Pricey Harrison (919-733-5771) and voice your support for HB 239.

Friday, May 1, 2009

RSS, explained

Now that you're an expert, why not add us to your RSS feed? Click the RSS logo to the right of the page to get started.

If you don't have an RSS reader yet, we recommend Google Reader.

More education in May

Last month, we hosted a string of educational offerings on topics ranging from Short Sales to the Federal Housing Stimulus.

In May, we're proud to offer a number of networking and learning opportunities for our members. Mark your calendars!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Welcome to the GRRAblog

We're still getting situated here at our new home on Wordpress. We'll be posting all sorts of news, events and legislative calls to action in this space, so add us to your RSS feed!

More details to follow.